Introducing the Bruce L Anderson, CPA CGA Virtual Accounting Office!

by | Mar 24, 2020 | Blog, Important Notices

victoria accountant

In this blog, you will find information on the new Virtual Accounting Office as well as information on important dates every Canadian needs to know for filing their taxes this year.

One of the main pillars of our accounting practice is to keep things simple for our clients. This means ensuring you have every option available to make filing your annual tax return as easy as possible.

With that in mind, we are excited to introduce a new initiative for our clients – a Virtual Accounting Office! With this new initiative we’re now opening up our office to service all Canadians across the country. We hope that this new initiative will make it easier for clients to schedule appointments with their busy schedules, and if need be remain at home during this time of uncertainty with social distancing due to the COVID-19 outbreak. 

It’s amazingly easy to use, all you’ll need to do is open an email and click a button to join the video chat where Bruce will share his screen. No, you don’t need your own video on but you can expect to see Bruce on the other end. The program we are using this year is called Google Hangouts. The reason we have chosen this program is because of its easy access and that it’s usable from any email address regardless of your provider.

For those who are more tech savy, we are also trying out an online booking system. Once Bruce has completed your tax return, he will reach out and provide you with the option to book your Virtual Appointment either with him, or on your own via the online booking system. 

How the Virtual Accounting Office Works:

  1. Bruce will pick up the telephone and give you a call at your appointment time and walk you through getting onto the video chat. 
  2. From there, you’ll stay on the phone and watch your computer screen as Bruce talks you through your tax return as if you were sitting in the office! 
  3. Once approved by you, we file.

What You Need for Google Hangouts to Work:

  1. A smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer that has an internet connection and access to your email;
  2. Access to an internet browser such as: Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.;
  3. You DO NOT need a video camera or a microphone as you will be speaking with Bruce via telephone (many of our clients do not have audio on their home computers, however if you prefer to use the audio on Google Hangouts in lieu of a phone call that is easily arranged);
  4. You DO NOT need to download anything on your device to use Google Hangouts as it’s a link that opens on your browser;
  5. You DO need a device that connects to the internet.

The Full Tax Return Process with the Virtual Accounting Office:

  1. Send your scanned documents to; Other methods of delivery: by fax 250-592-8613 or drop them off at our location;
  2. Bruce creates your return; 
  3. Bruce will call you to arrange a time for your appointment; 
  4. At the appointed time, Bruce will call you via telephone; 
  5. While on the telephone, Bruce will send you an email invitation to join the Google Hangouts meeting and to walk you through how to join, also explained below;
  6. Open the email with the subject line “Happening Now: Bruce Anderson is inviting you to a video meeting” and click the big green button “Join Meeting”; The button looks like this: 







7. A tab will open in your internet browser, click the green “Join Now” button;  The screen will look like this, the button is on the right:

8. The video chat will begin and you will be able to see Bruce’s computer screen, showing your tax return;
9. You will be walked through your return by telephone, just the same as if you were sitting in the office;
10. You will approve your return, and Bruce will then file it on your behalf and send you a PDF of the return for your records.

Simple, done… from the comfort of your own home!

Important Dates

The Canada Revenue Agency announced the Personal Tax Filing Deadline this year will be June 1, 2020 (it is usually April 30). They have also announced that, if you owe taxes you will not be charged interest on unpaid taxes until September 1, 2020 whereas interest usually applies on unpaid taxes beginning May 1. Put simply, Canadians have until June 1, 2020 to submit their tax returns and don’t need to pay until September 1, 2020.

To note:

If an individual decides to take advantage of the extended submission deadline and submits their return later than April 30, 2020 there may be a delay in returned funds from the government such as: baby bonus, GST return, OAP, etc.

To be safe, we recommend that our clients discuss with Bruce the appropriate time to file and pay their 2019 Tax Return. Every client has a unique situation that will affect their best time to file which should be tailored to your requirements.

Discuss Your Options With Bruce

We recommend that our clients discuss with Bruce the appropriate time to file and pay their 2019 Tax Return. Every client has a unique situation that will affect their best time to file which should be tailored to your requirements. Set up your appointment with our Virtual Accounting Office!