So You Have A CCPC, Should You Stop Contributing to CPP?
You have your own business. Whether it’s incorporated, a proprietorship, or a partnership, planning for your financial future is an important action to take. Everyone has a different financial strategy that is tailored to their own unique situation and yours is no...
Tax Deductions For The Self-Employed
It can be difficult to completely understand what does and doesn’t count as an expense deductible as a business owner. Many self-employed individuals can feel some confusion on what is considered a deductible expense. These expenses offset your income, lower your...
Canadians Are Running Out of Money In Retirement
A survey conducted by the Bank of Montreal asked Canadians over 55 years old about their concerns of running out of money during retirement. The study by BMO showed 51% of respondents are concerned about health problems and costs, 47% are afraid they will run...
First Time Home Buyer’s Tax Credit 2017
The Home Buyer’s Tax Credit (HBTC) is offered for first time home buyers as a non-refundable credit which allows home buyers to claim a tax refund in the year that they purchased a home. If yourself or someone you know has purchased a home in 2017, they may be eligible for this tax credit.
The Reality Of Owning A Rental Property
Having worked for one of Canada’s largest Real Estate Developers as well as Canada Revenue Agency’s Rental Property Section - not to mention being a landlord for over 30 years myself - I have developed unique evaluation tools that allow for my clients to...
RRSP vs TFSA: What’s Right For You
A topic of conversation that’s frequently brought up with my clients is about savings and retirement. As a common discussion, it’s important for everyone to learn more about the difference between RRSPs vs TFSAs and the benefits of both. When considering which...